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Why cultural Intelligence is valuable?

Discuss each specific element of the ABC’s (Acquire, Build, Contemplate, and Do) of Cultural Intelligence. What makes culture intelligence unique and how does it differ from emotional and social intelligence?  What makes cultural intelligence particularly valuable in terms of leadership competency in today’s global market?

Cultural intelligence (CQ) incorporates other intellectual and emotional measures found in emotional intelligence, social intelligence, and cognition.  Specific steps of learning about a culture, actively engaging with people in that culture, and self-efficacy, improve CQ.  Leaders are key to CQ in an organization since they set an example, generate motivation and drive participation toward positive cultural experiences.

          Cultural Intelligence for Leaders (2012) presents a framework for developing cultural intelligence through metacognition, cognition, motivation, and behavior. The acronym is ABC’s of cultural intelligence.


Knowledge is the basis of the CQ model (Cultural Intelligence for Leaders, 2012). Learning about traditions, communication practices, social behavior, consideration of time, and other cultural attributes, increases a person’s toolbox, useful when interacting with other cultures. Acquiring information and knowledge gives someone a personal resource to recall for familiar interactions and to apply to new situations.


 A toolbox of knowledge is most effective when used.  However, discernment is beneficial for using the knowledge at the right time and for the particular cultural situation. Therefore, metacognition provides meaning and understanding for our own and other’s behavior through building awareness and planning (Cultural Intelligence for Leaders, 2012).


In a given situation, cultural intelligence strengthens the ability to observe, listen, think, and adapt to new behaviors or unexpected situations (Cultural Intelligence for Leaders, 2012).  Contemplation is self-reflective, indicative of the motivation and drive to interact with other cultures.


Another component of the cultural intelligence model is “Do”. This describes behavior; actually interacting with other cultures, evaluating one’s self and the connections with others, and modifying behavior (Cultural Intelligence for Leaders, 2012).  

          According to Earley & Mosakowski (2004), cultural intelligence is comprised of three intelligence aspects: cognitive, physical, and emotional associated with the head, body, and heart, respectively. Cultural intelligence (CQ) differs from the cognitive understanding of a culture’s attributes in that it implies action since CQ is effective when it positively influences behavior. Just knowing about another culture is not sufficient to build cultural relationships.

          Emotional intelligence refers to feelings, emotions, and the ability to assess and manage them (Cultural Intelligence for Leaders, 2012).  Social intelligence refers to identifying inner thoughts as they are related to others and interacting effectively in social situations (Njoroge & Yazdanifard, 2014).  Cultural intelligence is an extension of emotional and social intelligence, looking beyond feelings, at multiple aspects of behavior (Earley & Mosakowski, 2004). Learning about another culture is only part of the CQ process, as understanding one’s own beliefs provide a basis for comparison, along with self-efficacy to adapt and overcome challenges in multi-cultural relationships. Further, CQ differs from cognition as cognitive ability refers to understanding data and information, whereas cultural intelligence also considers behavioral and motivational aspects (Ang, Rockstuhl, and Tan, n.d.).

          Discernment of the source of behavior, styles of human interaction, interpretation of verbal and non-verbal responses, and approaches to working on a task, improves the ability of a leader to guide participants’ understanding of each other while directing focus on achieving a particular goal. Cultural intelligence helps a leader avoid assumptions and stereotypes by using observation and information to see patterns based on actual experiences (Earley & Mosakowski, 2004). In this way, leaders adapt to the cultural attributes around them and illustrate CQ to others. Leaders with CQ competence develop CQ in employees which contributes to a high CQ culture in an organization.  Employees with high CQ enhance their value and the value of their organization in the global marketplace (IESE Business School, 2015).   


          Cultures are complex combinations of values, beliefs, traditions, methodologies, physical, mental, and emotional treasures that are engrained in individuals, societies, and groups. Interacting with different cultures is most effective when cultural intelligence is higher, resulting from high motivation, understanding, knowledge, and behavior to respect and adapt to the differences.  Cultural intelligence can be learned through steps such as the ABC framework, yet there is an intuitive aspect that enhances CQ and resonates a sense of ease in a multi-cultural setting.


Ang. S. Rockstul, T. & Tan, M.L. (n.d.). Cultural Intelligence Competencies. International

Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Science. Retrieved from

Cultural Intelligence for Leaders. (2012). Saylor Academy. Creative Commons by-nc-sa 3.0. 

Earley, P.C. & Mosakowski, E. (2004). Cultural Intelligence.  Harvard Business

Review.  Retrieved from:

IESE Business School (2015). Why You Need Cultural Intelligence (And How To Develop It). Retrieved from:

Njoroge, C.N. & Yazdanifard, R. (2014). The Impact of Social and Emotional Intelligence on

Employee Motivation in a Multigenerational Workplace. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 14(3). Retrieved from


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